Home » Latviešu evaņģēliski luteriskā draudze Indianapolē
ZIŅAS: Jaunāka informācija un ziņas pieejama šeit
ZIŅU arhīvs (līdz 2023.gada janvārim) Draudzes Ziņas/ Church’s Newsletters
The Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Indianapolis has gathered Latvian Lutherans for more than 60 years. In the past, there were various Latvian Lutheran congregations in the Indianapolis area, but over time these congregations have unified. Today there is one Latvian Lutheran Church for the entire state of Indiana. The Latvian Ev. Lut. Church of Indianapolis is a member of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (LELBA).
The Latvian Church of Indianapolis unites Latvian Lutherans with an aim to preach God’s Word in our own language and to cultivate our spiritual traditions in today’s multicultural environment. The Church provides liturgical services every week in the Latvian Language. The Congregation has a Bible Study Group, Youth Group, Sunday School and a Women’s Auxiliary Group. The Sunday School group meets once a month. After each service in the fall, winter and spring, a light lunch is served to promote and continue fellowship.
The Latvian Church continues many beloved Latvian annual traditions and events. In the spring, the Church has Palm Sunday Brunch, Easter Morning Pancake breakfast, Mother’s/ Family Day Brunch & Program and the 14 of June Remembrance Service. In the fall, there is the Church Picnic and the Harvest Day Brunch. During the winter, Latvia’s Independence Day Service, the Advent Concert, Bake Sale, and Advent Brunch.
Today, the Latvian Church is a community of about 100 families who are of Latvian heritage, have Latvian family members, or have interest in a culturally diverse Lutheran experience.
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Photo: Congregation celebrating its 65th anniversary April 9, 2017 |
Photo: Congregation president welcomes the new pastor April 23, 2023 |
We would love to have you come visit and worship with us! Services are usually held on Sundays at 10:00 am. Children’s services are held in English four times a year. Please check the Newsletter. For any questions or additional information please contact President Martins Putelis at putelism@gmail.com
The Latvian Church currently has its weekly services at the Latvian Community Center located at 1008 W. 64th St. Indianapolis, IN 46260. Please check the Calendar for upcoming services and events.
The Church’s Newsletter is published 6 times a year. To download the Newsletter please click here: Draudzes Ziņas/ Church’s Newsletters
If you would like to tithe or donate to the Latvian Church or have any questions, please contact Andrejs Kancs, Treasurer. Please make checks payable to Latvian Lut. Church and send your donation to Latvian Lut. Church c/o Andrejs Kancs 220 3rd Ave NE. Carmel, IN 46032.
Thank you and God bless!
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