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The Indianapolis Latvian Youth Association (“ILJA”) was reorganized in late 2008. ILJA had been inactive since the early 1990’s. However, that has changed and chances are if you meet a young Latvian in Indiana, they are a member of this organization. ILJA’s mission is to organize the young Latvians, and those young at heart, to help strengthen our community and other local organizations through fundraising and other support. Many of ILJA’s events are geared towards the younger generation; however, this organization continues to raise funds and provides manpower to the other organizations. In addition, this organization helps prepare the younger members for future leadership positions. As in every community, OUR YOUTH IS OUR FUTURE!
In 2010, ILJA, with the help of the local Latvian Community, had the honor to host ALJA, the American Latvain Youth Association’s 58 Annual meeting (“Kongress”) in downtown Indianapolis from Nov. 24 thru Nov. 28. The last time Indianapolis hosted Kongress was in 1975, when many of the current board member’s parents were board members. We would like to sincerely thank everyone for all their donations, time and support in helping make the 58. Kongress the success it was. LIELS PALDIES! 58 Kongress Rokas Gramata
If you are interested in becoming a member or supporting ILJA please contact its President, Andrejs Kancs at Dreday517@aol.com. Thank you and Paldies!
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