Mīļas dāmas un dargie kungi!
Latviešu ev. lut. draudzes dāmu komiteja lūdz jūs uz piparkūku cepšanu LSC, 1008 W. 64th Street, sestdien 29. oktobrī plkst 9:00. Darbs nav grūts, bet atbildīgs! Centīsimies ierasties kuplā skaitā, lai pēc dažām stundām paši varetam priecāties par padarīto. Visiem dalībniekiem pizza pusdienās!
The above is an invite to help with baking Latvian ginger break cookies (piparkukas), Saturday, October 29, starting at 9:00 at the Latvian Community Center. Please bring a rolling pin. If you have never baked ginger bread cookies, this is a great opportunity to learn how to do so. A Pizza lunch will be served to all those who help. Hope to see you there!
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