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Esiet sveicināti mūsu mājas lapā! IndyLV piedāvā vietu, lai izplatītu informāciju par Indianapoles latviešu sabiedrību.

Lūdzu esiet pacietīgi kamēr mēs pārtulkojam mājas lapu latviešu valodā. Mēs turpināsim ievietot jaunu informāciju par Indianapoles latviešu organizāciju darbību un sarīkojumiem. Paldies!


Welcome to the website dedicated to serving the Latvian Community in Indianapolis. This website provides information about the local organizations and events happening within the Latvian Community.

The majority of Latvians arrived in Indianapolis in the early 1950’s after World War II.  After 60 years, the Community continues to maintain an active Latvian School, Church, Community Center and other various organizations which help to preserve the Latvian Language and Culture.
If you would like to receive information about upcoming events please email IndyLatvians@gmail.com
If you are interested in renting the Latvian Community Center, please contact Andris Berzins at (317) 255-0992, or please visit the website http://indianapolislatviancenter.org/ for additional information.