Visi laipni aicināti apmeklēt Indianapoles latviešu kopējo Ziemsvētku eglīti 21. decembrī. Lūdzu skatīt pievienoto paziņojumu tuvākai informācijai! Eglīte 2019
You are invited to attend the Indianapolis Latvian School Christmas program on Saturday, December 21 at the Indianapolis Latvian Community Center 1008 W. 64th St. Indianapolis. The Christmas program will begin at 2:30 pm. Lunch will be served after the program and Santa Claus will be visiting. If you would like Santa to hand out a gift to your children or family member please bring a wrapped gift for your family. Admission is $10.00 per person or $20.00 per family. We hope you see you there. Merry Christmas.
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